Your morning routine keeping you broke

Steal what I do instead

Happy Wednesday mfs

If I hear… See… even fucking sense another person indicate they

“Made their riches”

Because of a new morning routine… I’ll shoot a fucking koala.

Yanno what I mean…?

You ask these fuckers “How do I become rich” And they just spew out unadulterated SHIT…

“Yeah man you gotta take a shower colder than the fucking arctic sea and drink 8 egg whites while meditating”


If you listen to this… turn your ears off.

I have tried almost everything when it comes to making money easier:

  • Morning routine…

  • Evening routine…

  • Fuck it.. afternoon routine…

  • Cold showers…

  • Journal…

  • Cut out carbs…

  • Cut out girls…

  • Fuck girls every night…

  • cut out alcohol…

  • Avoid blue light before bed…

  • Make plans… Write shit down…

  • Be patient…

  • Act fast…

List goes on and on… I’m sure you can relate.

And all this is, really… is cope.

Its meant to disguise your unfathomable mediocrity.

And makes you FEEL like your getting stuff done, like your being productive and disciplined

When all your doing is delaying the day by 2 hours or wasting energy on the most frivolous bullshit.

Instead of doing all that, I stopped and begun doing stuff that made sense…

And would you believe it…

Money started coming in like migrants across the English Channel

“Wheres the solution tom, my balls are aching from the suspense…”


Heres some things I started doing that you can steal and might actually help:

  1. Dont eat till 3pm

  2. Drink more coffee than usual (If people dont think its strange how much you drink, its not enough)


Now I’m not going to get into the reasons why these work here coz its already too long…

But I’ll make an in depth youtube video about it soon.

Get after it.

Tom Stoic

P.S. I’m literally only offering 1-on-1 mentoring for the next 3 days

After that, I’m never selling 1-on-1 coaching again


Cos it just takes up too much time…

After that, it’ll be group coaching only