There is 23 million millionaires on earth g...

And I'm one of them

I’m gonna let you in on a secret…

Wanna know a secret about being successful that no one tells you?

I heard this on a podcast with Jordan Belfort a year ago

And just recently It really hit me


99% of successful people genuinely have no fucking clue what they are doing

  • They dont think they are qualified to do what they do.

Think about that…

All these millionares and billionares are just as unsure as you, just as uncertain about the future and how they are going to pull things off.

“Bullshit tom, your just appealing to my feelings to make me feel better”

No im not

The difference between successful people and you, is that when we feel unsure about something

Or dont know what the fuck to do

We dont spare a single second to hesitate…

Its just “Uhhh, okay so… I guess lets try this and see what happens..? lol”

No joke, I know people doing $500,000 per month and they talk to me about how they cannot believe they are in the position they are in…

Like they genuinely do not feel even remotely qualified to make the kind of money they do…

And thats normal.

Your issue is you think you need to be 100% prepared and qualified to make a certain amount of money.

You dont.

You just need to fucking do shit, constantly… endlessly… unwavering action. No hesitation.

Believe me… just start. Just go. Just begin.

Your self belief will catch up with you, but first you need to begin without it.

Get after it.

Tom Stoic